Agustina Cáceres Ponce
Corporate and Data Protection Law
- Practice Areas: Corporate and Data Protection Law
- Location: Buenos Aires

Lawyer specializing in Corporate Law, Data Protection, and Compliance. She graduated with honors from the Belgrano University and furthered her education with a Specialization in Corporate Law from the University of Buenos Aires (2023) and the Data Protection Program at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (2022). She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Compliance, Fraud, and Money Laundering (2024-2025).
| Languages
– Spanish
– English
– Italian (basic knowledge)
| Education
Lawyer – Belgrano University, with honors (2018-2021)
Data Protection Program – at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (2022)
Specialization – in Corporate Law from the University of Buenos Aires (2023)
Master’s – in Compliance, Fraud, and Money Laundering (2024-2025)
Buenos Aires
Alfaro-Abogados SC
Av. del Libertador 498, (C1001ABR) Buenos Aires, Argentina - (54-11) 4393-3003
New York
Alfaro-Abogados LLC
Foreign Legal Consultants 245 East 93rd St New York, NY 10128 - (1-212) 698-1147
- China Desk