Mr. Ignacio Celorrio is a well-known Argentinean mining lawyer with twenty years of experience counseling international clients in legal and institutional affairs in the Argentine mining sector.
In addition of being a member of several legal associations (Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, IBA, among others), Mr. Celorrio has been a Board Member of CAEM (Cámara Argentina de Empresarios Mineros – Argentine Chamber of Mining Entrepreneurs) for almost ten years and direct participant in practically all Argentinean mining companies associations.
Mr. Celorrio is currently vice-president of the Australian-Argentine Industry and Commercial Chamber. Through his practice, he has engaged with federal and provincial authorities, NGO’s and other civil society participants in every Argentine mining province.
He is also Chair of Administrative Law at the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino and has extensive academic practice. Mr. Celorrio has been a founding Board Member of Extorre Gold Mines Ltd. (which was listed in the TSX and AMEX previously to the Yamana Gold take-over) and board member of several natural resources Argentinean subsidiaries of TSX-V and ASX listed companies.
He has also worked in Toronto at Gowlings WLG (1998/1999) and in Miami at Greenberg Traurig LLP (2002/2004), top-tier Canadian and US law-firms respectively.
He has given conferences in multiple occasions in academia, international and Argentine events, as well as with Argentinean mining and mainstream media. Among its recognition, Mr. Celorrio has been included in several top-lawyers lists for excellence in service by Chambers & Partners, Best Lawyers and Who’s Who Legal Mining and in the 40 under 40 Argentine lawyers.
- Mining Law
Buenos Aires
Alfaro-Abogados SC
Av. del Libertador 498, (C1001ABR) Buenos Aires, Argentina - (54-11) 4393-3003
- cealfaro@alfarolaw.com
New York
Alfaro-Abogados LLC
Foreign Legal Consultants 245 East 93rd St New York, NY 10128 - (1-212) 698-1147
- larauz@alfarolaw.com
- China Desk
- alfaro@alfarolaw.com