Ms. Samanta Burgos graduated with a law degree from the University of Buenos Aires.
She has over ten years of experience in the natural resources industry, working in management, compliance, and administrative roles within the private sector. For nearly a decade, she has taught Philosophy of Law and Human Rights at both public and private universities.
Her postgraduate education includes a Corporate Finance Diploma, an Environment Diploma, and a Postgraduate Program in Compliance, Data Privacy, and Cybersecurity. In 2019, she also participated in the Leadership Essentials Program at WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management.
| Education
Lawyer – University of Buenos Aires
Corporate Finance Diploma
Environment Diploma
Postgraduate Program in Compliance, Data Privacy, and Cybersecurity
Leadership Essentials Program – WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management (2019)
Buenos Aires
Alfaro-Abogados SC
Av. del Libertador 498, (C1001ABR) Buenos Aires, Argentina - (54-11) 4393-3003
- cealfaro@alfarolaw.com
New York
Alfaro-Abogados LLC
Foreign Legal Consultants 245 East 93rd St New York, NY 10128 - (1-212) 698-1147
- larauz@alfarolaw.com
- China Desk
- alfaro@alfarolaw.com