Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence- ICSID Arbitration and Bits Challenged by the Argentine Government and its Supreme Court
- 2004, October, Publications
- Por Carlos E. Alfaro

Por Carlos E. Alfaro

Buenos Aires
Alfaro-Abogados SC
Av. del Libertador 498, (C1001ABR) Buenos Aires, Argentina - (54-11) 4393-3003
- cealfaro@alfarolaw.com
New York
Alfaro-Abogados LLC
Foreign Legal Consultants 150 East 58th Street New York, NY 10155 - (1-212) 698-1147
- larauz@alfarolaw.com
- China Desk
- +86-138-1173-7125
- smatteozzi@alfarolaw.com