Valentina Macome
Corporate & Business Law
- Practice Areas: Corporate
- Location: Buenos Aires - London

| Professional Experience
Valentina Macome is a junior lawyer in our corporate area from where she assists local and international clients in doing business in Argentina. As our Institutional Relations Associate she is currently in charge of the strategic development and management of the firm’s institutional relations in Europe, based in London.
Valentina was part of the team who advised China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation in the sale of its assets in Argentina to local company Companía General de Combustibles (CGC), a transaction completed in June 2021.
| Languages
– Spanish
– English
– French (basic knowledge)
| Education
She graduated as a lawyer from Universidad de San Andrés in 2020 and holds a postgraduate diploma in crypto economies from Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires and a postgraduate diploma in Digital Technologies Regulation from Universidad de San Andrés.
Buenos Aires
Alfaro-Abogados SC
Av. del Libertador 498, (C1001ABR) Buenos Aires, Argentina - (54-11) 4393-3003
New York
Alfaro-Abogados LLC
Foreign Legal Consultants 150 East 58th Street New York, NY 10155 - (1-212) 698-1147
- China Desk