Argentina grants benefits and 180-day transitory visa for “digital nomads”
By María Florencia Sota Vázquez and Agustina Cáceres
By means of Provision No. 758/22 published in the Official Gazette on 11 May
of this year, the National Directorate of Migration (hereinafter, “DNM” by its Spanish acronym), authorized the granting of temporary residence for a period of up to 180 days – pursuant to section 24 paragraph h) of Law No. 25. 871 and Regulatory Decree No. 616/10- to those foreigns nationals of countries that do not require a tourist visa to enter Argentine territory, for the purpose of providing services remotely through the use of computer, telecommunications or similar means, in favour of individuals or legal entities domiciled abroad, referred to as “digital nomads”.
Digital nomad refers to those workers who carry out their work tasks remotely, from a technological device such as a computer, tablet or mobile phone, among others. Currently, there are more than 35 million digital nomads in the world who work remotely. Although this modality of work already existed several years ago, it had its greatest development as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, where the majority of workers in different countries around the world were forced to adapt to this modality.
Although we are now facing the pandemic with more tools, such as the use of vaccines to reduce the symptoms of the disease, as well as more information available to doctors and researchers, this teleworking modality is still in use today and will continue to thrive in the future.
One of the greatest benefits of working remotely is the freedom to carry out work activities from anywhere in the world, which is an initiative and an opportunity to get to know new places, without losing the rhythm of work.
In addition, given the global and local economic context of the country, it is accessible to foreigners with earnings in stronger currencies, such as dollars or euros, being able to access a lower cost of living while enjoying the diverse landscapes of our territorial extension due to the actual exchange rate.
The National Directorate of Migration establishes the following requirements for access to temporary residence for “digital nomads”:
a) Application signed by the person concerned, indicating: personal data, independent work activities to be developed. A brief resume must be included, stating their experience in the field in which they are going to work and the level of studies or training they have attained;
b) Valid passport;
c) 4×4 photographic image;
d) Proof of your activity (contract, company guarantee or proof of application for employment, receipt of income or fees) and at least one reference related to your occupation;
e) Pay the fee for services, for applications made from abroad in the modality of “Electronic Entry Processing”.
All information provided must be legalised and translated into Spanish, shall have the character of an affidavit and shall be credited at the time of registering the processing of electronic entry into the country -when it is completed from abroad- or the application for immigration regularization -if it is within the National Territory-.
The specific requirements indicated are established without prejudice to the general conditions demanded by the DNM.
Likewise, the DNM establishes the requirements to access the extension of the ‘digital nomad’ residency, which will be granted for a single time and for a term identical to that of the temporary residency obtained:
a) Valid passport;
b) Proof of income received for the exercise of services rendered during the period of residence to be extended;
c) Certificate of criminal record issued by the Argentine National Registry of Recidivism;
d) Have stayed within the National Territory for a period of not less than 50% of the period of residence to be extended;
e) Payment of the fee for services.
Finally, it is provided that the application for residence, its extension or change of category, which is initiated under this figure, must be adapted to the procedures and requirements currently in force, in everything that is not expressly regulated by the present.
The entry into force of this measure will take place 10 days after its publication in the Official Gazette.
– Visit Argentina Card: this card will allow foreign tourists visiting the country to obtain points that can be exchanged for gastronomic or recreational experiences after personal activation.
– Special air fares: Aerolíneas Argentinas will join the initiative with special fares for this type of tourists.
It is very important to highlight that according to ‘Nomad List’ (a ranking of the nomad community), Argentina is the country that has grown the most as a potential destination for digital nomads in 2022. In addition, ‘Nomad List’ also ranks the City of Buenos Aires among the 10 best in the world for this type of teleworking, and as the best destination in Latin America.
The Minister of the Interior, Wado de Pedro and his counterpart of Tourism and Sports, Matías Lammens, together with the head of the National Direction of Migration and the Secretary of Tourism Promotion, announced the launch of this new type of visa, which includes not only the temporary authorisation to stay in Argentina, but also a real programme of benefits to attract the international community, thus promoting tourism and work at the same time.
Among the more than 80 countries that can enter Argentina without a Tourist Visa we can list: Australia, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Chile, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, United Kingdom, among others.
If you need further information please contact Agustina Cáceres at

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